Change Convos monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in March
Spring has been doggedly stubborn about arriving this year. The rollercoaster weather finds us swapping winter coats for garden rakes within a...
Our readers have spoken. These 10 blog posts were our most read and most shared blog posts of the past year. Here's what you thought was awesome in 2015. Take another look to make sure you didn’t miss any good stuff.
Is Your Communication Bias-Free and Inclusive?
Think that you are equally respectful, inclusive and welcoming with a diverse range of people — those similar to you and those who are different — women, men and transgender people, different nationalities and ethnicities, LGBT community members, varying age groups and even socioeconomic levels? Think your communication is always bias-free? Think again.
Social Media Use by Tweens and TeensWhile we often write about social media in this blog and how mission-driven businesses and nonprofit organizations can use it strategically as part of an integrated marketing plan, it's not often first-hand field research on social media use by tweens and teens can be shared.
How to Create Change for Good with SMART Goals
You know exactly where you want to go, so not every path will do. With your SMART goals and objectives in hand you’ll be ready to develop a strategic action plan to get there. Here’s how to create change for good with SMART goals and objectives.
National brands: How to engage and market locally in Vermont
For national brands and organizations, marketing change locally and engaging a target community can be challenging without extensive preparation and research. Join us for examples of how not to, and how to do it right in Vermont.
What is the cost of a stunning new website?
A lot has changed in the past five years, the steps to create a stunning website for your small mission-driven business or nonprofit has not. The cost for a new website depends on how you approach this five-step project. (Includes typical price ranges.)
Are You a True Digital Marketer Yet?
I’m guessing you haven’t had a lot of extra time to match your mission, your marketing channels and your paid-owned-earned-media (POEM) strategy to today’s ever-more-digital audiences. Because board members and donors may not realize the time and effort necessary for you to evaluate the latest, greatest digital options, let’s look at a digital strategy checklist for evaluating your next steps.
Video Marketing Strategy: New Inspirations
This year, I want to think about video marketing strategy and online storytelling in a new way. New ideas come from many places. I’m always inspired by videos that are done well, especially when it’s for a good cause. For new inspirations, let’s look at five different types of videos that one nonprofit uses in its video marketing strategy.
Effective Marketing Images: Your Checklist of the Basics
Most of your marketing efforts will involve imagery of some sort. Since there are many possibilities for sourcing, creating, formatting and using these images, it makes sense to follow specific steps to streamline your project implementation to create effective marketing images. Here's a checklist for sourcing, creating, preparing, purchasing, formatting and protecting your images.
15 Fascinating Podcasts You Don't Want To Miss
Whether or not you’ve been hooked since 2005, as I must confess I’ve been, now is the time for change communicators to explore podcasts. There are 285,000 podcasts up and running, heard by an estimated 39 million Americans a month, many of them affluent and highly educated. Includes podcast why and how to, as well as personal faves.
What’s your favorite Change Convos post from 2015? What would you like to see more of in 2016? Join the conversation in the comment section below, or drop us a note.
We have some really great things in store for 2016, so here’s to a year of fresh ideas for the modern change marketer. We invite you to subscribe to our blog and hope it will become part of your marketing inspiration for the new year.
Spring has been doggedly stubborn about arriving this year. The rollercoaster weather finds us swapping winter coats for garden rakes within a...
I certainly didn’t want to use that statistic. In the midst of a messaging work session on a hot, sticky summer day, the digits shouted out from the...
Let's recap our five favorite posts for change makers and communicators from around the web in October. As if to keep up with the vibrant colors of...