10 Policy Solutions for Women and Minority-Owned Businesses
Ready to go... Ten policy solutions to close the funding and opportunities gaps for women and minority-owned businesses are being presented at the ...
NPR shared an excellent piece today on the impact of technologies on our brains. This is the subject of near-daily discussion in our offices because marketing communication has become a technology-driven field -- and we find ourselves coaching our clients, particularly the nonprofits and government agencies, to add more so-called martech (marketing technology) to their world in order to advance their cause cost effectively.
As with so much else, moderation is the key. ICYMI, here's the NPR story.
Ready to go... Ten policy solutions to close the funding and opportunities gaps for women and minority-owned businesses are being presented at the ...
March marks Women’s History Month again, but I am not celebrating. Stories and images of courageous women of the past are everywhere. These women...
"If I were to tell you that marketers were using astrological signs as a way to understand/target specific groups of people, you’d tell me that’s a...