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Vermont Continues to Lead States in Battery Recycling



Call2Recycle, the first and largest consumer battery stewardship organization in the US, published its annual report on which states had recycled the most batteries. This year, these calculations excluded batteries recycled by major retailers and other private companies, bringing a focus on batteries recycled by consumers.

Despite the change, Vermont still ranked #1 in the nation (for the 3rd straight year) in pounds of batteries recycled per capita. 626,000 residents generated over 124,000 pounds of batteries in 2019, with Delaware, Minnesota, New Hampshire and California rounding out the top-5.

Carl E. Smith, CEO of Call2Recycle, said "All the states at the top of our listing boast municipal governments that are dedicated to recycling batteries. We thank them for their efforts in supporting our mission to collect and recycle batteries."


View past ranking of states here. 


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