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New membership association website launched by FOVLAP

It's not uncommon for a membership association to ask us to help when its website no longer meets the current day expectations of members or prospective members, often after years of neglect.
Rare, however, is for a membership association to have a dedicated group of volunteers who decide to do something about their website — and then doggedly carry through on their commitment over many months. But that's exactly what we saw with FOVLAP's volunteer website committee as we designed and built their new site.
 new membership website for the Federation of Vermont Lakes and Ponds (FOVLAP)
FOVLAP's new site features a wealth of resources on protecting lakes & ponds, news from and about the Federation, fascinating science dives into ecosystem creatures and species in the Wise About Water blog, a member spotlight, and updates from monitoring legislative and regulatory action. Oh, and did we mention the many stunning photos of Vermont lakes and ponds? That same volunteer committee photographed or solicited and donated the marvelous images used on the website!
 Shadow Lake morning fog
The Federation of Vermont Lakes and Ponds (FOVLAP) is one of the oldest nonprofit stakeholders to promote Vermont water quality. Members include lake or pond associations and individuals throughout the state. From its inception in 1972 and evolution into a statewide organization in 2001, FOVLAP has remained dedicated to fostering environmental quality standards and preserving Vermont lakes, ponds, watersheds, and aquatic ecosystems. The Association shares information on science-based research and best practices for protecting water quality with members and the public.
We encourage you to enjoy the photography and learn more about Vermont's Lakes & Ponds. (You can join the mailing list from the site homepage.)  And we congratulate the dedicated FOVLAP volunteers who worked so hard to make the goal of launching the new site in time for the annual meeting.
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