WheelPad Profiled in Brain & Life Magazine
WheelPad was delighted to be featured in the American Academy of Neurology's Brain & Life magazine article "Small Solutions" by award-winning health...
The Let’s Grow Kids! campaign officially launched in late April, signifying the start of a three-year statewide effort to educate Vermonters about the importance of the early years of development.
Vermont Business Magazine was among members of the media to cover the event, which was held in the Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center on Burlington’s Waterfront. Vermont Public Radio also highlighted the importance of early education in its segment on the campaign launch.
WheelPad was delighted to be featured in the American Academy of Neurology's Brain & Life magazine article "Small Solutions" by award-winning health...
Adam Robert, co-owner and a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Clute Wealth Management, was recently featured on the Money Geek article...
On October 26th, Rock Point School hosted their 20th annual Ooky Spooky 5k Race to benefit COTS.