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Chroma Technology CEO Paul Millman Steps Down



After 29 years at the helm, Paul Millman announced his upcoming retirement and shared musings about the state of the iconic employee-owned company, science in our society, mission-driven management, and business in Vermont.

Paul's long-planned announcement coincided with the international peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which drove escalating demand for Chroma's precision optical filters and optical coatings for the medical, scientific and imaging industries. Headquartered in Rockingham (Bellows Falls), Vermont, the company serves an international market. Local, regional and national media covered the news — each with an appropriately different take.

Paul-Millman_CEO_Chroma-Technology-Corp_prvFor the details, including interviews with Paul and other members of the Chroma management team, check out these samples: Vermont Business Magazine, the Brattleboro Reformer, VtDigger, and Photonics


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