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Bill Maclay interviewed about New Net Zero book

the_new_net_zero_bill_maclayThe books just arrived, but already new author Bill Maclay of Maclay Architects has been interviewed about his book the New Net Zero in both the New York Times and on local TV show WCAX The :30.

In the NYT, Bill answered a series of questions about net zero design, while his interview with WCAX was specifically focused on his new book and the fact the threshold for green building is no longer low energy use, it's now net-zero energy. 

The New Net Zero charts the path for exploring green design's new frontier: net-zero-energy structures that produce as much energy as they consume, using only renewable energy sources.

In a nation where buildings comprise roughly 40 percent of the country's total fossil fuel consumption, the interest in net-zero building is growing enormously—among designers interested in addressing climate change and consumers interested in energy efficiency and long-term savings.

This book makes the case for a net-zero future; explains net-zero building metrics, integrated design practices, and renewable energy options; provides practical construction details; and shares his lessons learned on building successful teams for net-zero construction projects.

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