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A Day of Inspiration at the 33rd Annual VBSR Conference

VBSR 33rd Annual conference. Here and Now. Seizing this moment for business with dignity, empowerment, and imagination.

Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR) hosted its 33rd annual conference at the Hula Lakeside Campus in Burlington, Vermont. The Marketing Partners team had a wonderful day filled with new connections, inspiration, and invigorating conversation.The all-day conference of workshops and guest speakers addressed many of the major challenges that businesses face today when working towards being socially, racially, environmentally, and economically responsibility. We were also treated to a fantastic keynote speaker — Christal Brown — who got everyone up and dancing to start the day! 

Whether it was about bringing more humanity to the workplace, or the business innovations of value-led Vermont companies, there was a lot of expertise to learn from. The conference provided great opportunities to catch up with old friends and meet plenty of new ones who have the same value-led mindset when it comes to their businesses. 

Read more about the conference and the highlights, and see some pictures from the day, on the VBSR website.

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