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In addition to a sampling of the latest and greatest news items from our Friends & Partners, we have created a collection of free publications, presentations, and other Resources for Change to help you unlock the power of communication.

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We regularly update our collection of free publications, presentations, and other Resources for Change to help you unlock the power of communication. 


1 min read

WheelPad Profiled in Brain & Life Magazine

WheelPad was delighted to be featured in the American Academy of Neurology's Brain & Life magazine article "Small...

Adam Robert of Clute Wealth Management Featured on Money Geek

Adam Robert, co-owner and a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Clute Wealth Management, was recently featured...

20th Annual COTS Fundraiser Hosted at Rock Point School

On October 26th, Rock Point School hosted their 20th annual Ooky Spooky 5k Race to benefit COTS. Each year, Rock Point...
1 min read

Americans are Turning Off the News

If you find yourself skimming the morning news and skipping the evening news, you're not alone. Columbia Journalism...

Slowly Ever So Slowly More Female CEOs

Over the past 20 years, the number of female CEOs at Fortune 500 companies has increased by nearly 14-fold. Sounds good...
1 min read

Ageism, Economic Development and Entrepreneurship

The Most Successful Entrepreneurs Are... Does age predict entrepreneurial success? Yes, say many Americans, and they...