If you’re seeking long-term change in people’s mindset and behavior, then message framing is often where you want to start. Think of message frames as shortcuts to mental models, with an added emotional component. Because people are more open to information if it’s framed in a way that resonates with how they see the world, research about your audience, their values, and identities, is step number one in developing a four-part message framing strategy.
Message framing is what you choose to say and how you choose to say it. It is also what you choose not to say. Framing a message focuses attention — just as presenting a picture in a red frame versus a black frame focuses our attention and changes how we see the picture.

Inclusive Language: Framing in Reverse
The need to counteract unconscious cognitive bias has created a growing desire to understand and be able to communicate consistently with internal and external audiences using inclusive language. In this case, the desire is to demonstrate an organization’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion by using words based on a shared understanding of their meaning, rather than using words with connotations known to trigger a negative mindset.
We invite you to dive more deeply into message framing and specific issues, or contact us by whatever means works best for you: phone, message, email, or schedule an appointment.