3 min read
Seven Things a Brand is Not (and Two It is)
Brand and branding are terms you hear used and misused daily in marketing and advertising. Once terms used only by those working in the field or by...
3 min read
Brand and branding are terms you hear used and misused daily in marketing and advertising. Once terms used only by those working in the field or by...
2 min read
Logo, Corporate Identity or Brand — What’s the difference? When a company begins to consider ways to visually represent themselves, their product,...
3 min read
Saying you need video for your business is kind of like saying you need a website. Both are general terms for an essential tool that can mean a lot...
3 min read
Do you worry about saying bad words? I know sometimes I feel as if I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about how to avoid bad words and...
2 min read
If you have a website without the HTTPS protocol, you should have received an email recently telling you that Google Chrome will show a security...
4 min read
It’s a familiar problem. You have invested a great deal of time and money to create a strong visual identity for your mission-driven organization....
More than ever before, nonprofits need to integrate video content into annual marketing campaigns. Every day there are new opportunities and...
3 min read
No nonprofit can afford to produce a video that is not inline with its marketing goals and outreach plans. The more your nonprofit team can lay out a...
2 min read
We build websites. It’s not all we do, but it is a big part of the services we offer to clients large and small. Often during the process we complete...
3 min read
Ephemeral content, which lasts only a short time before disappearing, is on the rise and being led by the popularity of Snapchat. Other platforms...
3 min read
As a boy scout in the early seventies, I walked door-to-door soliciting support for S.O.A.R., Save Our American Resources, in the form of money...
4 min read
While officially this is the second in a series of posts about changing minds and message framing, you may be interested because it can also be...