Change Convos Monthly top picks: 5 links we loved in November
Let's give thanks for our five favorite posts for change makers and communicators from around the web in November. And read on to discover the top...
June is here and that means that summer will soon be officially in full swing! Summer means our indoor-outdoor time allotment shifts, but there’s always time to check out what’s new on our radar. Let's recap our five favorite posts from around the web in May. And read on to discover the top five stories from right here on the Change Conversations blog.
1. Vermont’s New Equal Pay Law
Gender equity is always on our radar. This month we’ve opted to highlight a comprehensive outline for employers and workers of the changes made to Vermont’s equal pay law during the recent legislative session, but there has been encouraging attention nationally as well, including Vermont’s recent #1 ranking for working Moms in WalletHub.
#WomenWelcomeInVT #HellYeah
2. Starbucks Links Loyalty Program With Spotify For Mobile and In-Store Music
We love it when like-minded brands join forces to bring more good things to their loyal customers. It will be interesting to see what crowdsourced playlists add to the personality of local coffee shops.
3. SEO Tips: Google Webmaster Tools is Now Google Search Console
After years of use and resource listings for GWT across the web, Google announced a “rebranding” of its stalwart because “more than webmasters” use it? Good thing no one ever noticed more than carpenters use hammers, ……
# RebrandingRunAmuck #ConfusionMaker
4. The Chefs’ Table documentary series on Netflix features one top chef in each segment talking personally and frankly about ingredients, food, cooking and their personal passion. Beautifully produced. Definitely qualifies as our screen time #MonthlyObsession
5. TOMS Expands Day Without Shoes to Accept Hashtags and Purchases
We love to see good works expand to do more good in the world. TOMS did just that — amped up its annual philanthropy drive by donating a pair of shoes for every barefoot photo tagged #withoutshoes — no purchase necessary. A surge of instagram posts, tweets, pins and Facebook posts created a thunderclap that made it the biggest shoe giving day yet!
#GivingBack #GoodGetsBetter
Did we miss anything? Share your favorite changemaker links from the month of May in the comments below. Tip us off to other great posts for future link roundups by shooting us an email at
Let's give thanks for our five favorite posts for change makers and communicators from around the web in November. And read on to discover the top...
It’s just about sugaring season — the annual Vermont ritual when the sweet sap of Sugar Maples warms and runs out of the taps, a time for learning...
This is a little bit of a cheat because our five favorite posts for change makers and communicators were actually published over a six-week period...