How to make your content work harder: Atomization
Yes, it takes a lot of work to create a stellar piece of content today. And there are no shortcuts. You need to develop the content strategy idea,...
Optimal: 3-7 words. The exact words your client or persona would type in to search for your content. If possible, it should appear in 5 places: 1) Headline 2) First paragraph 3) One subhead 4) Meta description 5) Image alt tag. Your post can have several keyword phrases. Identify the phrase that focuses on the heart of your content.
Meta description
Max: 160 characters (including spaces). Can determine “clickability” by potential readers. Expand upon what your title has promised.
Yes, it takes a lot of work to create a stellar piece of content today. And there are no shortcuts. You need to develop the content strategy idea,...
As the website owner, you want to be sure your investment in developing a new website is going to improve your brand awareness and return on your...
"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words."- Arthur Brisbane, newspaper editor Images are a must. They draw interest, convey emotion, and...